...and redo

I just discovered how easily a blog can be deleted (not mine!) and that there is no backup. this would fill me with horror in my professional life, but here, it's like cutting the fabric - there is no turning back. You can piece it back together from scraps, iron-on mender if you're lucky, but the seams will always show.


Rip out and re-do

Happy new year!
Far too busy stitching to write... the strawberry sundae suit, perfected pants, a custom-fit top for HennyPenny.... and so much more. The fabric shopping is still staying ahead of the making, I've made good use of the sale at my current favourite store, New Lynn Fabric Barn

Night before last I completed the quilting of my group's annual raffle quilt, now just need to find a volunteer/victim to bind it. I'm standing down as group president, I hope that will give me a new lease of life for quilting projects rather than running meetings.

Maybe some photos next time, Kathryn :-)