Over the last three months, i've spent much more time quilting than piecing - many works have been getting to that happy state known as 'finished'
In almost every case, the design qualities of the quilting have been a visual representation of what i *needed* to rebalance my emotional or mental state. When i've been low or sad, my quilting has been bouyant and vigorous. When I've been agitated, the lines have been smooth and simple. When i've been irrational, they have been a calm
reinforcement of the top design.
While making the design decisions, i only thought about what each quilt needed to complete it. I think i've been subconsciously choosing *which* project to work on depending on what kind of work will help my mental state. This really is art as therapy, and is a very happy discovery.
Key lesson: it's probably a very good idea to have a variety of projects to work on at any time, so I'm free to select the one that is what i need at the time