Round Robin is a group quilting practice. Each person makes a small start to a quilt project, swaps it with someone else and adds to what they received. It goes on, exchanging and adding, until everyone has worked on every project. The finished works - usually quite large - is given back to the person who started it.
Some groups have a "recipe" for what technique or design to use at each swap. Many groups keep the growing project secret from the originator, so there are wonderful surprises at the final handover.
It's a great experience to get you out of your comfort zone and face a regular design challenge.
A bunch of my friends are using this process to make quilts for the Mangere Women's Refuge.
The picture above is Cherry's Mariner's compass centre, I've added the deep orange framing triangles. I can't wait to see how this turns out- and to swap for my next challenge.