It had to happen sometime...

Knitting!  sneaked up and caught me. Under the guise of finding a right-sized response to babies.  See below for the Last Baby quilt

So far:
2 cowl scarves (for me)
1 buttoned scarf (for dear Mother-in-Law)
1 pair of socks (for dear girlfriend)
...1 pair of booties for an actual baby

and an unspecified number of new balls of yarn and needles. That list is completed projects, mind you.

There is also the lure of Ravelry which I joined two years ago, suckered in by the chatter from my knitting mates. If there is anything as cool for quilters, I have not found it yet. So my stuff is there

Honestly, it's only on the bus, I wouldn't knit in actual quilting time. honest.

1 comment:

Kathryn in NZ said...

As the recipient of the coolest pair of socks evah, keep taking the bus!! LOL
Dearest Sarah, you are happiest when your fingers are busy creating with needles - be they sewing or knitting.