learning to sing

I sing in choir. Practically my whole life.

It's brought me the most amazingly beautiful, exhilarating, challenging, fun experiences. Met a Best Friend and a Husband. Fortunately I still have the Best Friend.

I love it, and with all this practice and education along the way, I've become a reasonably good singer. It means so much to me that I know I need to improve to keep up up with the rising standard of my current group, Auckland Choral

And therein lies the flaw. I've never had a formal lesson from a singing teacher and I'm terrified to start. All these years I've been hiding in the crowd, gotta have 2 more people or I can't let a sound out.

  • fear that I've never been any good - this is nonsense! all those successful auditions over the years...
  • fear of constructive criticism - might have to work a bit, too bad
  • fear that it can't get any better - surely must be able to squeeze a few more degrees of beauty
  • fear of change... my old dragon, many times slain and reincarnated

so! tonight I'm going to commit to lessons with Ken Cornish, a singer I greatly admire, and see if I can Get Over It


Intuitive Textile Journeys said...

YAHOO! Fantastic News! Bet that feels nerve racking to have made the decision ... good on you! Congratulations ... Have lots of fun on the day.

Kathryn in NZ said...

Ken Cornish! How cool is that?! Go you :)
hugs from the Best Friend

jan said...

Fabulous!! You'll have a blast. All the best. xo

Elizabeth said...

Good for you Sarah. Enjoy