Marriage is like...

Talking with a friend today, it occurred to me....marriage is like a corset.

It keeps you in a shape you have decided you like, one that is easily understood and valued by others.  It's restrictive, yet can be comforting. Sometimes made of made of luxury materials and beautifully ornamented. It has complex erotic implications relating to power and control.

It may be that you’d end up stronger and healthier if you held that shape anyway without the corset. That’s sometimes hard to do, without support.  And while it always seems to be preferable to do it on your own, remember that we rely on many types of support through our lives. Marriage is just one more.

---Sarah's  ‘Lingerie Theory of Relationships"  $0.02 thanks

1 comment:

Karen said...

then of course as time goes by you gain or lose the size needed for the corset to fit well and those laces become necessary.........
hello dear stitch friend.......